School Life
Catholic Identity
St. Joseph’s School Narrandera is a Catholic Parish Primary School, which we see as an extension of the local Catholic Church, existing for and serving that Church.
We promote values and attitudes that will enhance the growth and development of the Parish Community which includes the School. School resources are made available for the good of the whole Parish. The participation of Priests and Parishioners in the School is always sought in furthering the growth and development of our community. Correspondingly, the School seeks to involve itself in supporting Parish activity.
Because this School is a work of the Local Church, the Parish Priest, in collaboration with School Staff is responsible for the School’s Religious Education and Sacramental Programs as well as the children’s liturgies.
In accordance with the ideals of the Church our children’s preparation for and first reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation is Parish Community centered. In this matter parents are expected to abide by this Parish and School Policy by co-operating in the arrangements made and by encouraging their children at home.
At School, a Religious Education lesson is conducted each day. The time and nature of each day’s activity depends on variables such as the preparedness of the children and their needs.
In serving the local Church by reflecting the Reign of God in our structures, our ambitions, our care for our members, our approach to the outside community, our curriculum and our worship – we are a truly Catholic Community
Today’s students at Catholic schools in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga, as participants in communities of welcome, faith, service and learning will become tomorrow’s adults who are:
- truly Catholic in their identity and life.
- centres of sharing the Gospel message.
- fostering lifelong learning, through being critical, creative and curious.
- transfer their learning into new situations.
- being active and informed participants in their communities and the wider world, now and into the future.
- confident and competent communicators, personally and using technology
Our collective purpose as educators is to promote, model and build communities of learners that experience engaging and purposeful learning and pedagogy within relationships which support and challenge learning growth.
We have a passionate belief that engagement with a framework for learning builds community, capacity, connection, collaboration and community. These learning dimensions underpin our system-wide community of learners. (Framework for Learning published by the Catholic Schools Office in 2011)
Catholic schools are open to all families who desire a Catholic education for their children.
They are places of hospitality and respectful inclusion where each school becomes a source
of compassion and practical support particularly, for those
who are most vulnerable.
Catholic schools invite each member of the community to an encounter with Jesus Christ through dialogue; in prayer,
ritual and sacramental life; and most especially in the Eucharist. School communities emphasise the collaboration between families, parish and school, and support staff through formation in mission for service in the Church and the world.
Catholic school communities are a living sign and instrument of Christ’s mission in the world. All are called to leadership in the Catholic school and invited into supporting the parish and school community in faith and witness. As disciples, leaders are prayerful, sacramentally
committed, collaborative
and consultative in fostering practices for genuine partnership in mission.
Catholic schools strive for excellence in learning and teaching across all curriculum disciplines that is infused with a Catholic vision and
is imbued with all that our Catholic intellectual tradition offers. Quality curriculum and instruction is carefully
and professionally planned and delivered to ensure the
development of the whole child, including intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional and social dimensions.
Our schools provide an
environment that encourages students to be confident and
excited about their learning and assists to develop knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and
dispositions necessary for life long learning.
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Student Wellbeing
Over 50 years of learning
St. Joseph’s Primary School believes that every member of the school community maintains the right to a safe and secure environment and in turn, the responsibility to create and maintain a safe and secure environment.
To achieve this the staff and students maintain a Rights and Responsibilities protocol in the areas of personal, educational and environmental. As such we follow the CEDWW Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Policy
It is the responsibility of all members of the community to actively work towards achieving an environment where all are cared for and respected. It is crucial that all participants involve themselves in this process with commitment and confidentiality to ensure the safety of all.
Positive Behaviours for Learning at St Joseph’s Narrandera
St Joseph’s Primary School believes that every child maintains the right to learn and play in a safe and happy school environment. The school adopts a school wide Behaviour Management Program based on Positive Behaviours for Learning. A key to this program is the five baseline expectations which should be seen each and every day: These five expectations are in place at St Joseph’s, for all members of our community, in order to promote positive behaviour and include:
- Choose Safety – Be Safe, Have Fun
- Choose Fairness – Show Care Be Fair
- Choose Kindness – Kind Words, Kind Actions
- Choose Learning – Learn and Let Learn
- Right Time, Right Place, Right On
At St. Joseph’s we believe that every member of our school community:
♦ Has the right to a safe and secure environment.
♦ Has the responsibility to create and maintain a safe and secure environment.
Positive Behaviour for Learning at St. Joseph’s Primary School aims to provide a safe, caring and supportive learning and teaching environment. This helps students to demonstrate responsible behaviour and a sense of self-worth, respect and consideration for the feelings, rights and property of others. It also aims to maximise opportunities for learning and teaching.
At St. Joseph’s we aim to promote the religious, academic, physical and personal development of each student. We believe behaviour management plays an important part in the shaping of a child and that successful behaviour management needs to be supported by the school, parents and children.

We believe that positive behaviour can be developed and supported through
- The provision of a relevant and age appropriate curriculum;
- The provision of opportunities to negotiate learning tasks;
- Encouraging students to make positive choices about how to satisfy their needs;
- High expectations for students and their learning;
- Empathy for students’ out-of-school lives;
- Acknowledgement, reinforcement and feedback for appropriate behaviour;
- Norm-setting, and
- The provision of time out for students so that teachers can get on with teaching.
Get Involved
There are two specific ways parents and families can become involved at St Joseph’s Narrandera. That is by either joining our School Council or our School Fundraising Committee.
The School Council is vital to the efficient running of the school. Its purpose is to guide the management of the school in such matters as school policy and any other matters, which may affect the life of the school.
- The School Council will meet Once a term, in week 8.
CEDWW School Council Guidelines Here
The Fundraising Committee is the sub-committee who is responsible for many activities that raise funds for the school and help to build school and community spirit.
The Fundraising Committee is always looking for more members to help with bringing fresh ideas, organising events and simply helping out on the day of events. It is a fun way to help out and a great opportunity to meet new friends and families. So if you are looking for ways to get involved in the school, please come and join us.
- The Fundraising Committee will meet when required during the school terms.
School Advisory Council
The purpose of the School Advisory Council is to:
● actively support, in collaboration with the local parish, the vision and Catholic identity of the school
● provide input into and support for strategic planning and directions
Fundraising Committee
Some of these activities and events the Fundraising Committee have organised include:
- Welcome BBQ
- Easter Raffle
- Mother’s Day morning tea & Father’s Day breakfast
- Trivia Night
- Crazy Camel Art Fundraiser